Thursday, November 10, 2011

December 9th, 2011

Atriarch, Sutekh Hexen, and Lycus at 
The Terminal December 9th, 2011.
Poster by Kevin Gan Yuen.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

December 3rd, 2011


Mournful Congregation with Laudanum, Aldebaran, Anhedonist, and Lycus at
Oakland Metro December 3, 2011.
Artwork by Bryan Proteau.
Poster layout by C. Altamura.

The Lycus demo is now sold out. You can still find copies...

Graceless Recordings:

The Lycus demo is now sold out. You can still find copies here:
Analog Worship
Black Mass Records (Europe)
Gilead Media
Vaginal Apocalypse Productions/Diabolic Force
Contagion Releasing